Shakespeare for the Masses – CYMBELINE
Katharine Cornell Theater

Shakespeare for the Masses – CYMBELINE

April 5th & 6th, 2014
Set in England during the Roman Empire, CYMBELINE crams in as much plot as approximately 15 other plays combined, offering all the best and worst of Things Shakespearean, from star-cross’d lovers to cross-dressers to mistaken identities to political intrigue to conniving smarmy villains to (spoiler alert) the Roman god Jupiter flying in on an eagle.
This will be the last show of the season because wrestling it into submission nearly killed the two adaptors, but a sense of humor saved them from a fate worse than Cloten’s.
You have to watch the show to get that joke. We hope you will, on April 5 at 7 pm and April 6 at 2 pm, at the Katharine Cornell Theater, Vineyard Haven. As always, admission is free and the show runs about an hour.


Director: Adapted by Nicole Galland & Chelsea McCarthy
Writer: Written by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare for the Masses – CYMBELINE