
Thank you for donating to
Martha's Vineyard Playhouse!

Donation Form

Amount to Donate $

Your gift to MV Playhouse enables us to continue producing great theater, giving work to dozens of artists, and entertaining and enriching hundreds of people throughout the year. Every dollar counts, and is extremely helpful, and greatly appreciated.


To inquire about legacy gifts, stock donations or in-kind contributions of goods or services, please contact us at


A Playhouse membership is the perfect way to support the theater and take advantage of members only benefits that you can use throughout the year. Annual membership donations are $60 per person and are tax-deductible.

Great membership benefits!

Your membership expires one year from the date you sign up.
Membership discounts may not be combined with other discount programs.
*15% discount does not apply to tickets costing $10 and under
**please note: a $1 facility fund contribution is applied to every Playhouse ticket purchase, online or at the box office