VIP Artists

VIP Artists

VIP Artists

Our online art auction ended on April 12. Please click on each Artist’s photo to view their artwork. If you see something that is not marked sold and are interested in buying it, please contact us at Special thanks to Ebay for supporting this auction.

Proceeds from the sale of art are as follows: 60% to VIP, 30% to Artists, 10% to Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse

Mark Baird
Alexander Campbell
Erin Doyle
Robb Gale
Ally Johnson
Martha Keenan
Amanda Kram
Greg Marshall
Tessa Permar
Debbi Zetterberg
Allison Burger
Celeste Ewing
Shelly Desmarais
Jillian Guest
Laura Jahn
Chris Johnson
Gene Johnson
Colin Kennedy
Rhiannon Maher
Dan Meany
Sam Simcoe